all postcodes in DL4 / SHILDON

find any address or company within the DL4 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL4 1BD 17 0 54.638292 -1.657243
DL4 1BE 15 0 54.639093 -1.657375
DL4 1BG 37 0 54.639951 -1.655943
DL4 1BH 22 1 54.636247 -1.655478
DL4 1BJ 12 0 54.636714 -1.655211
DL4 1BL 6 0 54.636145 -1.654085
DL4 1BN 36 0 54.635645 -1.655251
DL4 1BP 27 0 54.634348 -1.654425
DL4 1BQ 2 0 54.640225 -1.657051
DL4 1BW 37 0 54.634763 -1.65484
DL4 1DA 32 0 54.633904 -1.653236
DL4 1DD 4 0 54.635197 -1.655983
DL4 1DE 24 0 54.632799 -1.653044
DL4 1DF 2 1 54.644025 -1.660009
DL4 1DG 1 0 54.631844 -1.652417
DL4 1DH 2 0 54.631704 -1.647162
DL4 1DL 16 0 54.631445 -1.644892
DL4 1DN 14 0 54.630156 -1.643773
DL4 1DR 1 1 54.634231 -1.645054
DL4 1DS 18 10 54.633537 -1.647353