all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2EZ 1 0 54.434372 -1.454449
DL6 2HA 6 0 54.424701 -1.468433
DL6 2HB 3 0 54.425932 -1.459719
DL6 2HD 3 0 54.424176 -1.45759
DL6 2HE 7 0 54.432125 -1.442732
DL6 2HF 1 0 54.436605 -1.437815
DL6 2HG 1 0 54.42644 -1.43185
DL6 2HH 6 0 54.417698 -1.457254
DL6 2HJ 2 0 54.417707 -1.44753
DL6 2HL 2 0 54.409294 -1.433654
DL6 2HN 3 1 54.422585 -1.418727
DL6 2HP 4 0 54.434355 -1.46689
DL6 2HQ 1 0 54.430475 -1.449368
DL6 2HR 12 0 54.43533 -1.46788
DL6 2HS 2 0 54.434508 -1.468471
DL6 2HU 1 0 54.409816 -1.430462
DL6 2HW 15 0 54.433936 -1.461623
DL6 2HX 3 0 54.443655 -1.489252
DL6 2HY 2 0 54.448367 -1.485132
DL6 2HZ 2 0 54.456463 -1.484938