all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 3SY 0 54.321806 -1.397517
DL6 3SZ 0 54.313591 -1.369246
DL6 3TA 0 54.327426 -1.327651
DL6 3TB 0 54.339491 -1.329044
DL6 3TD 1 54.347247 -1.330036
DL6 3TE 0 54.346851 -1.346349
DL6 3TF 0 54.327475 -1.347138
DL6 3TG 0 54.312562 -1.354936
DL6 3TH 0 54.315399 -1.369695
DL6 3TL 0 54.30864 -1.392253
DL6 3TN 0 54.30734 -1.391196
DL6 3TQ 0 54.317299 -1.359345
DL6 3TR 1 0 54.340786 -1.345619
DL6 3AU 1 1 54.41454 -1.268954
DL6 3LF 1 0 54.420617 -1.300072
DL6 3AX 1 0 54.43523 -1.269017