all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2QX 42 0 54.361748 -1.425803
DL6 2QY 10 0 54.357015 -1.432131
DL6 2QZ 6 0 54.361584 -1.427098
DL6 2RA 60 0 54.360923 -1.428015
DL6 2RB 38 1 54.360577 -1.42902
DL6 2RD 9 0 54.360888 -1.426292
DL6 2RE 13 6 54.362178 -1.423596
DL6 2RF 1 0 54.365775 -1.422084
DL6 2RG 10 0 54.361377 -1.423284
DL6 2RH 28 0 54.361867 -1.422477
DL6 2RJ 28 0 54.361519 -1.419235
DL6 2RL 63 1 54.362609 -1.417942
DL6 2RN 43 0 54.363694 -1.417403
DL6 2RP 28 0 54.359599 -1.429249
DL6 2RQ 35 1 54.362218 -1.422082
DL6 2RR 38 0 54.361336 -1.420499
DL6 2RS 22 0 54.361297 -1.419884
DL6 2RU 2 2 54.363213 -1.425115
DL6 2RW 11 0 54.373601 -1.414308
DL6 2RX 4 0 54.364396 -1.338422