all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

find any address or company within the DL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 9LN 1 54.336441 -1.601676
DL7 9LP 1 54.332134 -1.577966
DL7 9LQ 1 54.309536 -1.547242
DL7 9LR 0 54.332516 -1.571795
DL7 9LS 1 54.328928 -1.567766
DL7 9LT 0 54.326383 -1.570736
DL7 9LU 0 54.321264 -1.564056
DL7 9LW 0 54.335777 -1.591985
DL7 9LX 0 54.314156 -1.564392
DL7 9LY 1 54.290644 -1.542226
DL7 9LZ 0 54.284507 -1.540313
DL7 9NA 0 54.283745 -1.543025
DL7 9NB 1 54.285381 -1.535987
DL7 9ND 1 54.283568 -1.535954
DL7 9NE 1 54.282552 -1.535781
DL7 9NF 0 54.280648 -1.533806
DL7 9NG 1 54.286402 -1.503579
DL7 9NH 0 54.291624 -1.513987
DL7 9NJ 11 54.291457 -1.515578
DL7 9NQ 1 54.289426 -1.513436