all postcodes in DL8 / HAWES

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL8 2ER 2 0 54.283751 -1.581049
DL8 2ES 2 0 54.28225 -1.581002
DL8 2ET 1 0 54.273024 -1.565072
DL8 2EU 4 1 54.282015 -1.566144
DL8 2EW 9 0 54.286182 -1.596392
DL8 2EX 2 0 54.286131 -1.558106
DL8 2EY 3 0 54.280091 -1.555997
DL8 2EZ 7 0 54.278477 -1.551461
DL8 2GA 19 0 54.260553 -1.527945
DL8 2HA 4 1 54.278129 -1.549684
DL8 2HB 19 0 54.277034 -1.55266
DL8 2HD 28 0 54.276705 -1.551902
DL8 2HE 1 0 54.272939 -1.554093
DL8 2HF 12 0 54.278013 -1.548356
DL8 2HG 3 0 54.276529 -1.550507
DL8 2HH 2 0 54.266926 -1.536709
DL8 2HJ 2 0 54.266628 -1.536375
DL8 2HN 8 0 54.265658 -1.538627
DL8 2HP 2 0 54.261493 -1.530614
DL8 2HQ 3 0 54.272924 -1.542868