all postcodes in DL8 / HAWES

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL8 5JS 15 0 54.338297 -1.775016
DL8 5JT 8 0 54.329121 -1.760203
DL8 5JU 8 0 54.326393 -1.803526
DL8 5JW 2 0 54.349237 -1.7963
DL8 5JX 3 0 54.32784 -1.854153
DL8 5JY 4 0 54.324819 -1.860744
DL8 5JZ 5 2 54.324268 -1.849789
DL8 5LA 5 3 54.314956 -1.8429
DL8 5LB 1 0 54.312665 -1.823404
DL8 5LE 24 0 54.31444 -1.820599
DL8 5LF 16 0 54.314945 -1.822103
DL8 5LG 18 0 54.314459 -1.821352
DL8 5LH 4 1 54.312329 -1.75476
DL8 5LJ 6 1 54.316625 -1.750538
DL8 5LL 1 0 54.314519 -1.744541
DL8 5LN 8 0 54.316254 -1.74473
DL8 5LQ 9 0 54.314434 -1.822336
DL8 5LR 3 0 54.336297 -1.753286
DL8 5LS 16 0 54.338628 -1.742915
DL8 5LT 2 0 54.339403 -1.743378