all postcodes in DL8 / HAWES

find any address or company within the DL8 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL8 1DY 0 54.298831 -1.583431
DL8 1DZ 0 54.298444 -1.571303
DL8 1EA 0 54.292485 -1.586667
DL8 1ED 22 54.28899 -1.592217
DL8 1EP 2 54.288182 -1.595236
DL8 1EQ 28 54.288679 -1.592658
DL8 1ER 4 54.287452 -1.594413
DL8 1ES 0 54.287328 -1.595075
DL8 1ET 0 54.285986 -1.599666
DL8 1EU 0 54.28808 -1.593355
DL8 1EW 1 54.289149 -1.594136
DL8 1EX 0 54.28544 -1.600286
DL8 1EY 20 0 54.285282 -1.598751
DL8 1EZ 3 2 54.291819 -1.597136
DL8 1HA 3 1 54.294012 -1.60515
DL8 1HB 2 0 54.295209 -1.616131
DL8 1HD 4 1 54.303866 -1.626201
DL8 1HE 2 0 54.30339 -1.625383
DL8 1HF 15 0 54.303427 -1.626466
DL8 1HG 8 0 54.304403 -1.624713