all postcodes in DN31 / GRIMSBY

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Postcode Area

DN / Doncaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DN31 3AA 14 7 53.573251 -0.05634
DN31 3AE 10 8 53.573513 -0.05904
DN31 3AF 1 1 53.57273 -0.058426
DN31 3AG 14 13 53.574086 -0.076329
DN31 3AL 3 3 53.574415 -0.062563
DN31 3AH 3 3 53.571007 -0.078311
DN31 3AN 1 1 53.574909 -0.063688
DN31 3AR 1 1 53.572172 -0.077361
DN31 3AX 8 3 53.574854 -0.069845
DN31 3AY 1 1 53.574923 -0.070636
DN31 3BE 38 13 53.574484 -0.067423
DN31 3BH 18 5 53.574229 -0.065502
DN31 3BL 14 0 53.574104 -0.065054
DN31 3BP 33 6 53.572822 -0.059676
DN31 3BU 6 3 53.572226 -0.058003
DN31 3BY 1 1 53.572089 -0.057731
DN31 3DA 12 0 53.571635 -0.057449
DN31 3DH 5 5 53.572786 -0.061354
DN31 3DS 9 0 53.573855 -0.066289
DN31 3DT 9 0 53.573914 -0.066634