all postcodes in DN31 / GRIMSBY

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Postcode Area

DN / Doncaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DN31 3SD 15 9 53.577224 -0.064504
DN31 3SG 3 3 53.574247 -0.05788
DN31 3SH 2 2 53.576174 -0.06255
DN31 3SL 4 4 53.576219 -0.056272
DN31 3SQ 1 1 53.57563 -0.059909
DN31 3SW 2 2 53.576381 -0.06035
DN31 3SY 10 10 53.581497 -0.061506
DN31 3TD 5 5 53.577034 -0.09294
DN31 3TJ 1 1 53.572172 -0.077361
DN31 3TN 2 2 53.576009 -0.076846
DN31 3UA 1 1 53.576858 -0.092102
DN31 3XN 1 1 53.572172 -0.077361
DN31 3QL 1 0 53.582374 -0.067773
DN31 3WT 1 1 53.572197 -0.077366
DN31 3JD 4 4 53.570932 -0.079079
DN31 3BT 2 0 53.574746 -0.068203
DN31 3PZ 1 53.580595 -0.068368
DN31 3AT 29 13 53.572939 -0.076979
DN31 3SX 17 6 53.576126 -0.051843
DN31 3AS 0 53.577399 -0.058808