all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

find any address or company within the DT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 5DY 18 0 50.648304 -2.468953
DT3 5DZ 4 2 50.650872 -2.472175
DT3 5EA 5 0 50.649802 -2.472136
DT3 5EB 12 0 50.627649 -2.461365
DT3 5ED 36 0 50.627512 -2.45991
DT3 5EE 15 0 50.627178 -2.460387
DT3 5EF 9 1 50.628521 -2.459524
DT3 5EJ 15 0 50.628613 -2.461221
DT3 5EL 8 2 50.629564 -2.461923
DT3 5EN 25 3 50.629683 -2.463194
DT3 5EP 43 1 50.62974 -2.467425
DT3 5EQ 10 2 50.628381 -2.460682
DT3 5ER 22 0 50.630144 -2.467486
DT3 5ES 51 0 50.628598 -2.462748
DT3 5ET 29 0 50.62776 -2.463136
DT3 5EU 9 0 50.628014 -2.464976
DT3 5EW 20 1 50.629846 -2.465175
DT3 5EX 25 0 50.62877 -2.464288
DT3 5EY 24 0 50.629339 -2.46424
DT3 5EZ 12 0 50.62884 -2.465253