all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 5LE 7 0 50.65757 -2.467826
DT3 5LF 26 1 50.655667 -2.469423
DT3 5LG 25 1 50.656129 -2.468321
DT3 5LH 28 2 50.653706 -2.469601
DT3 5LN 3 0 50.654304 -2.470696
DT3 5LP 5 0 50.653358 -2.468763
DT3 5LQ 13 0 50.655066 -2.468936
DT3 5LR 4 0 50.65954 -2.467792
DT3 5LS 2 0 50.659261 -2.467603
DT3 5LT 5 0 50.65445 -2.470245
DT3 5LU 6 0 50.6602 -2.468998
DT3 5LW 19 3 50.653567 -2.470248
DT3 5LX 2 0 50.660247 -2.468589
DT3 5LY 3 0 50.660227 -2.469312
DT3 5LZ 6 0 50.659884 -2.467229
DT3 5NA 38 1 50.658086 -2.467197
DT3 5NB 1 0 50.658375 -2.464597
DT3 5ND 1 0 50.657933 -2.464946
DT3 5NE 12 0 50.656926 -2.467143
DT3 5NF 34 0 50.656322 -2.467562