all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 5PN 12 0 50.65123 -2.461245
DT3 5PP 1 1 50.658466 -2.445881
DT3 5PQ 26 0 50.650574 -2.467887
DT3 5PR 4 0 50.670799 -2.456625
DT3 5PS 5 1 50.665219 -2.459896
DT3 5PT 7 0 50.661042 -2.447151
DT3 5PU 2 0 50.659742 -2.445947
DT3 5PW 1 0 50.657065 -2.472761
DT3 5PX 2 0 50.659417 -2.446298
DT3 5PY 18 9 50.654031 -2.459869
DT3 5PZ 1 0 50.676569 -2.464281
DT3 5QA 29 0 50.657289 -2.470684
DT3 5RD 5 0 50.65704 -2.470016
DT3 5QB 26 2 50.65901 -2.47425
DT3 5QD 24 0 50.655148 -2.475017
DT3 5QE 49 2 50.664666 -2.478778
DT3 5QF 52 0 50.662631 -2.470638
DT3 5QG 6 0 50.663124 -2.468832
DT3 5QH 6 1 50.643109 -2.461293
DT3 5QJ 3 0 50.663272 -2.467756