all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 4PD 4 0 50.619454 -2.495085
DT3 4PH 7 0 50.671676 -2.563998
DT3 4PJ 15 0 50.625574 -2.50858
DT3 4PL 5 0 50.624222 -2.505187
DT3 4PP 22 0 50.610321 -2.490057
DT3 4WB 1 1 50.609198 -2.456096
DT3 4YQ 1 1 50.609198 -2.456096
DT3 4NZ 10 0 50.625226 -2.499642
DT3 4GA 0 50.624866 -2.49719
DT3 4GB 10 0 50.625836 -2.497853
DT3 4FB 2 0 50.66658 -2.60292
DT3 4FD 4 0 50.62349 -2.503977
DT3 4FE 10 0 50.621481 -2.495966
DT3 4FF 30 0 50.626236 -2.509365
DT3 4FG 10 0 50.62674 -2.509384
DT3 4FH 9 0 50.626377 -2.510186
DT3 4FJ 9 0 50.625715 -2.509345
DT3 4FL 21 18 50.615057 -2.494968
DT3 4FN 16 0 50.621882 -2.49484
DT3 4FP 15 0 50.621287 -2.495416