all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

find any address or company within the DT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 4JB 11 0 50.641747 -2.553105
DT3 4JD 6 0 50.64112 -2.54894
DT3 4JE 18 1 50.655629 -2.551924
DT3 4JF 1 0 50.644901 -2.561133
DT3 4JG 5 1 50.64837 -2.570877
DT3 4JH 8 0 50.660625 -2.601826
DT3 4JJ 10 1 50.664725 -2.598341
DT3 4JL 32 3 50.665576 -2.597262
DT3 4JN 7 0 50.666159 -2.597553
DT3 4JP 26 2 50.666818 -2.598579
DT3 4JQ 1 0 50.656213 -2.583194
DT3 4JR 30 4 50.666215 -2.600482
DT3 4JS 4 0 50.666777 -2.601579
DT3 4JT 58 3 50.666336 -2.605196
DT3 4JU 3 0 50.664746 -2.606222
DT3 4JW 11 0 50.666528 -2.595831
DT3 4JX 5 1 50.683309 -2.60254
DT3 4JY 2 0 50.670305 -2.641303
DT3 4JZ 9 1 50.685939 -2.619136
DT3 4LA 7 1 50.662214 -2.629521