all postcodes in DT4 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT4 9SP 19 0 50.624214 -2.472855
DT4 9SQ 26 0 50.622939 -2.474482
DT4 9SR 25 0 50.623626 -2.475917
DT4 9SS 13 10 50.624422 -2.476872
DT4 9ST 2 0 50.615438 -2.483083
DT4 9SU 6 0 50.611914 -2.491798
DT4 9SW 25 0 50.624143 -2.474294
DT4 9SX 15 0 50.610662 -2.488124
DT4 9SY 2 2 50.611415 -2.492426
DT4 9TA 6 0 50.609963 -2.487055
DT4 9TB 11 10 50.612805 -2.486999
DT4 9TF 14 12 50.613792 -2.487419
DT4 9TG 4 0 50.612484 -2.491111
DT4 9TH 24 20 50.614981 -2.489611
DT4 9TJ 54 48 50.613799 -2.490006
DT4 9TL 27 0 50.613151 -2.492786
DT4 9TN 25 0 50.613937 -2.492031
DT4 9TP 72 2 50.612319 -2.491432
DT4 9TT 1 1 50.612131 -2.489112
DT4 9TU 5 4 50.612078 -2.484419