all postcodes in DT4 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT4 9TW 1 1 50.610388 -2.486352
DT4 9TX 4 0 50.596076 -2.46309
DT4 9TY 20 10 50.617007 -2.486463
DT4 9TZ 5 0 50.595954 -2.462753
DT4 9UA 12 0 50.60265 -2.485653
DT4 9UB 5 0 50.602187 -2.486352
DT4 9UD 15 0 50.601805 -2.485744
DT4 9UE 25 0 50.606876 -2.48581
DT4 9UF 21 2 50.626493 -2.476328
DT4 9UG 12 0 50.626506 -2.47531
DT4 9UH 14 0 50.626161 -2.473822
DT4 9UJ 8 0 50.62552 -2.47243
DT4 9UL 9 0 50.625469 -2.473858
DT4 9UN 25 0 50.625356 -2.477165
DT4 9UP 15 0 50.626228 -2.472932
DT4 9UQ 16 0 50.626466 -2.47415
DT4 9UR 16 0 50.625886 -2.47512
DT4 9UT 20 0 50.597773 -2.474975
DT4 9UU 50 0 50.598468 -2.474929
DT4 9UW 51 0 50.625211 -2.475467