all postcodes in DT4 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT4 4ZE 1 50.606767 -2.457234
DT4 4GR 1 50.609198 -2.456096
DT4 4GT 1 1 50.609135 -2.456039
DT4 4GU 1 1 50.609135 -2.456039
DT4 4GW 1 0 50.609198 -2.456096
DT4 4GX 1 0 50.609198 -2.456096
DT4 7AA 64 14 50.61231 -2.454094
DT4 7AN 1 1 50.612628 -2.45332
DT4 7AP 37 2 50.612874 -2.454764
DT4 7AR 95 2 50.612236 -2.454743
DT4 7AT 24 7 50.61384 -2.453385
DT4 7AU 20 0 50.612905 -2.453817
DT4 7AW 7 5 50.613159 -2.455473
DT4 7AX 1 1 50.613643 -2.453499
DT4 7AY 1 1 50.613968 -2.453319
DT4 7BA 1 1 50.614103 -2.453263
DT4 7BE 1 1 50.614355 -2.453124
DT4 7BG 14 14 50.617142 -2.45753
DT4 7BH 25 11 50.614458 -2.453885
DT4 7BJ 30 8 50.614893 -2.455501