all postcodes in DT4 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT4 7BN 1 1 50.615394 -2.454251
DT4 7BP 1 1 50.614735 -2.454824
DT4 7BQ 10 2 50.614434 -2.453263
DT4 7BS 29 26 50.618759 -2.458312
DT4 7BX 52 5 50.615495 -2.45316
DT4 7BY 1 1 50.616587 -2.452679
DT4 7DA 20 2 50.613146 -2.454187
DT4 7DB 14 0 50.614092 -2.453829
DT4 7DD 18 0 50.613998 -2.454319
DT4 7DE 23 7 50.614107 -2.454564
DT4 7DF 26 6 50.613449 -2.454854
DT4 7DG 6 0 50.613754 -2.454998
DT4 7DH 25 1 50.613044 -2.454935
DT4 7DL 12 0 50.614243 -2.454226
DT4 7DN 11 0 50.61475 -2.455616
DT4 7DP 1 1 50.614319 -2.455569
DT4 7DQ 30 6 50.612495 -2.45517
DT4 7DS 46 0 50.614103 -2.455553
DT4 7DT 30 0 50.613788 -2.455592
DT4 7DU 42 0 50.613487 -2.454515