all postcodes in DT4 / WEYMOUTH

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT4 7DW 42 3 50.614038 -2.456061
DT4 7DX 8 0 50.612178 -2.455803
DT4 7DY 5 0 50.612204 -2.456058
DT4 7DZ 15 0 50.614539 -2.454356
DT4 7EA 48 3 50.615013 -2.452806
DT4 7EB 1 1 50.614662 -2.452986
DT4 7ED 1 1 50.614761 -2.452959
DT4 7EE 1 1 50.614914 -2.452904
DT4 7EH 28 2 50.615662 -2.452515
DT4 7EJ 1 1 50.615526 -2.452768
DT4 7EP 1 1 50.615788 -2.452488
DT4 7ER 1 1 50.615833 -2.452446
DT4 7ES 1 1 50.616076 -2.452321
DT4 7ET 1 1 50.61622 -2.452294
DT4 7EW 1 1 50.615725 -2.452501
DT4 7EX 1 1 50.616346 -2.452225
DT4 7EY 1 1 50.6164 -2.452169
DT4 7EZ 11 0 50.618326 -2.45189
DT4 7HA 41 0 50.617199 -2.452572
DT4 7HB 12 7 50.617783 -2.452165