all postcodes in DT6 / LYME REGIS

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT6 4BA 1 1 50.723031 -2.758077
DT6 4BB 28 0 50.721326 -2.757385
DT6 4BD 7 1 50.719843 -2.757459
DT6 4BE 16 0 50.724249 -2.754839
DT6 4BG 10 0 50.724004 -2.754863
DT6 4BH 2 0 50.724359 -2.751384
DT6 4BJ 45 0 50.723964 -2.750131
DT6 4BL 7 0 50.723867 -2.749803
DT6 4BN 7 0 50.723328 -2.751112
DT6 4BP 17 1 50.723397 -2.747373
DT6 4BQ 11 0 50.724295 -2.753026
DT6 4BS 7 0 50.722834 -2.74548
DT6 4BT 3 0 50.722554 -2.747034
DT6 4BU 8 0 50.721652 -2.746127
DT6 4BW 5 0 50.722185 -2.74972
DT6 4BX 6 0 50.721659 -2.737967
DT6 4BY 1 0 50.72266 -2.745888
DT6 4BZ 5 0 50.734432 -2.745933
DT6 4DA 14 0 50.73269 -2.748244
DT6 4DB 36 0 50.733648 -2.744589