all postcodes in DT6 / LYME REGIS

find any address or company within the DT6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT6 4ED 1 0 50.725614 -2.748131
DT6 4EE 30 0 50.733057 -2.747187
DT6 4EF 4 0 50.734797 -2.745018
DT6 4EG 24 1 50.71699 -2.757555
DT6 4EH 16 3 50.713592 -2.757571
DT6 4EJ 8 0 50.715871 -2.756787
DT6 4EL 16 11 50.711552 -2.759876
DT6 4EN 26 9 50.710447 -2.761387
DT6 4EP 16 0 50.709921 -2.75924
DT6 4EQ 17 0 50.717365 -2.75681
DT6 4ER 32 1 50.710537 -2.762748
DT6 4ES 19 0 50.73678 -2.742995
DT6 4ET 46 0 50.736088 -2.742842
DT6 4EU 10 0 50.711626 -2.760869
DT6 4EW 39 5 50.710941 -2.760078
DT6 4EX 7 0 50.711946 -2.760434
DT6 4EY 15 4 50.711825 -2.760759
DT6 4EZ 5 1 50.712346 -2.762466
DT6 4HA 8 0 50.711526 -2.762439
DT6 4HB 1 1 50.712094 -2.763977