all postcodes in DT9 / SHERBORNE

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT9 5HD 1 0 50.989302 -2.460016
DT9 5HE 2 0 50.975629 -2.445707
DT9 5HF 10 0 50.970612 -2.466239
DT9 5HG 7 0 50.971809 -2.468245
DT9 5HH 4 0 50.973337 -2.4744
DT9 5HJ 14 0 50.965586 -2.461532
DT9 5HL 3 0 50.968392 -2.462999
DT9 5HN 21 0 50.973697 -2.460887
DT9 5HP 12 0 50.919909 -2.486318
DT9 5HQ 10 0 50.972372 -2.469176
DT9 5HR 6 1 50.925186 -2.482318
DT9 5HS 5 1 50.925776 -2.48157
DT9 5HT 16 0 50.92721 -2.478455
DT9 5HU 22 1 50.927134 -2.477173
DT9 5HW 14 0 50.973845 -2.459692
DT9 5HX 25 0 50.928727 -2.476734
DT9 5HY 2 0 50.928802 -2.478229
DT9 5HZ 2 0 50.93023 -2.472068
DT9 5JA 1 0 50.934106 -2.457977
DT9 5JB 20 0 50.938416 -2.470899