all postcodes in DT9 / SHERBORNE

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT9 5JD 9 1 50.952403 -2.46153
DT9 5JE 4 0 50.943258 -2.446822
DT9 5JF 2 0 50.931486 -2.445314
DT9 5JG 3 0 50.927288 -2.449031
DT9 5JH 14 0 50.928393 -2.478823
DT9 5JJ 3 0 50.965916 -2.45994
DT9 5JL 10 0 50.969995 -2.464738
DT9 5JP 2 0 50.929405 -2.491099
DT9 5JQ 7 0 50.925049 -2.465172
DT9 5JR 2 1 50.925261 -2.480057
DT9 5JS 1 0 50.921009 -2.467977
DT9 5JT 6 0 50.913898 -2.454378
DT9 5JU 1 0 50.9109 -2.454634
DT9 5JW 20 1 50.928675 -2.49166
DT9 5JX 2 0 50.912907 -2.447896
DT9 5JY 3 1 50.926278 -2.431235
DT9 5JZ 5 0 50.907475 -2.440349
DT9 5LA 2 0 50.904581 -2.437932
DT9 5LB 5 0 50.905837 -2.42914
DT9 5LD 9 0 50.900592 -2.446072