all postcodes in DT9 / SHERBORNE

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT9 3WB 1 50.948695 -2.516043
DT9 3YA 1 50.948695 -2.516043
DT9 3YJ 1 50.948695 -2.516043
DT9 3SG 6 0 50.951804 -2.507707
DT9 3SF 8 0 50.952346 -2.507072
DT9 3SD 15 0 50.952481 -2.507799
DT9 3LR 8 0 50.944714 -2.512682
DT9 3LB 1 50.944918 -2.516058
DT9 3DA 1 1 50.948382 -2.528922
DT9 3AU 15 1 50.943698 -2.51939
DT9 3DF 2 0 50.951496 -2.504785
DT9 3FD 7 0 50.951092 -2.506645
DT9 3FE 1 1 50.949417 -2.51477
DT9 3QQ 1 1 50.946781 -2.531139
DT9 3FA 2 0 50.94522 -2.522951
DT9 4AA 0 50.953843 -2.508982
DT9 4AB 0 50.953528 -2.510345
DT9 4AD 0 50.953065 -2.511322
DT9 4AE 0 50.95301 -2.511521
DT9 4AF 0 50.952927 -2.512032