all postcodes in DT9 / SHERBORNE

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT9 3PS 6 50.943359 -2.516183
DT9 3PT 4 50.950138 -2.517041
DT9 3PU 20 50.949349 -2.516449
DT9 3PW 0 50.948333 -2.521904
DT9 3PX 25 50.949354 -2.516833
DT9 3QE 1 50.950775 -2.516849
DT9 3QF 0 50.944115 -2.518099
DT9 3QG 0 50.94423 -2.518413
DT9 3QH 1 50.948774 -2.524486
DT9 3QJ 1 50.949051 -2.526211
DT9 3QL 0 50.949313 -2.525872
DT9 3QN 1 50.94858 -2.526917
DT9 3QR 1 50.948832 -2.524998
DT9 3QT 1 50.947763 -2.528787
DT9 3QU 1 50.946781 -2.531182
DT9 3QW 1 50.948342 -2.523968
DT9 3QX 0 50.949149 -2.527152
DT9 3QY 0 50.942297 -2.520498
DT9 3QZ 1 50.941831 -2.520009
DT9 3RA 1 50.943087 -2.518685