all postcodes in DY10 / KIDDERMINSTER

find any address or company within the DY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY10 3NG 38 0 52.40401 -2.181589
DY10 3NH 1 0 52.403743 -2.191024
DY10 3NJ 3 0 52.402308 -2.194355
DY10 3NL 4 1 52.397331 -2.197654
DY10 3NN 5 0 52.389981 -2.206232
DY10 3NP 1 0 52.395653 -2.20642
DY10 3NQ 18 0 52.405659 -2.179067
DY10 3NR 1 1 52.393812 -2.210614
DY10 3NS 12 0 52.393249 -2.218312
DY10 3NT 1 0 52.417287 -2.204448
DY10 3NU 2 0 52.420657 -2.197415
DY10 3NX 7 1 52.418591 -2.193309
DY10 3NY 4 0 52.415725 -2.197678
DY10 3PA 2 0 52.42598 -2.191498
DY10 3PB 13 0 52.429333 -2.182399
DY10 3PD 2 0 52.42629 -2.183352
DY10 3PE 5 0 52.42147 -2.191748
DY10 3PG 25 0 52.398127 -2.220452
DY10 3PH 6 0 52.3975 -2.214262
DY10 3PJ 5 0 52.397723 -2.219936