all postcodes in DY10 / KIDDERMINSTER

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Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY10 3QZ 19 0 52.390154 -2.224571
DY10 3RA 1 0 52.412737 -2.233625
DY10 3RB 2 0 52.413941 -2.227819
DY10 3RE 12 0 52.411767 -2.228592
DY10 3RH 3 1 52.417577 -2.234601
DY10 3RJ 5 0 52.415279 -2.239431
DY10 3RL 7 1 52.41201 -2.246602
DY10 3RN 2 1 52.410048 -2.249762
DY10 3RP 7 0 52.407878 -2.249078
DY10 3RR 1 0 52.424201 -2.203774
DY10 3RS 2 0 52.422101 -2.209951
DY10 3RT 76 3 52.422197 -2.218455
DY10 3RU 1 0 52.423796 -2.213949
DY10 3RW 1 1 52.41002 -2.252427
DY10 3RX 5 1 52.420635 -2.217021
DY10 3RY 38 0 52.414462 -2.223279
DY10 3RZ 2 0 52.4158 -2.224079
DY10 3SA 28 4 52.42128 -2.232729
DY10 3SB 17 1 52.423479 -2.234167
DY10 3SD 1 1 52.422212 -2.234263