all postcodes in DY11 / KIDDERMINSTER

find any address or company within the DY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY11 5SW 1 0 52.427399 -2.267998
DY11 5SX 5 0 52.425008 -2.275689
DY11 5SY 4 0 52.430275 -2.283606
DY11 5SZ 7 0 52.425952 -2.279578
DY11 5TA 6 4 52.422793 -2.277322
DY11 5TB 1 0 52.4215 -2.276314
DY11 5TD 2 0 52.420856 -2.284717
DY11 5TE 9 0 52.419741 -2.274995
DY11 5TF 7 1 52.419277 -2.269919
DY11 5TG 5 0 52.414838 -2.271049
DY11 5TH 14 1 52.411141 -2.253448
DY11 5TN 2 1 52.411133 -2.257256
DY11 5TP 48 1 52.409577 -2.257408
DY11 5TQ 3 0 52.415973 -2.264091
DY11 5TR 15 0 52.408924 -2.255993
DY11 5TS 39 0 52.408741 -2.257433
DY11 5TT 15 0 52.408635 -2.2568
DY11 5TU 22 0 52.408243 -2.259253
DY11 5TX 4 0 52.409943 -2.258792
DY11 5TY 8 0 52.409866 -2.2611