all postcodes in DY11 / KIDDERMINSTER

find any address or company within the DY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY11 5TZ 35 0 52.410373 -2.259589
DY11 5UA 37 1 52.410311 -2.262896
DY11 5UB 6 0 52.411028 -2.264165
DY11 5UD 24 0 52.41135 -2.264857
DY11 5UE 35 0 52.411337 -2.266622
DY11 5UF 44 0 52.412049 -2.265714
DY11 5UG 29 0 52.410486 -2.265132
DY11 5UH 18 0 52.411538 -2.2653
DY11 5UJ 45 0 52.412626 -2.265012
DY11 5UL 19 0 52.411202 -2.262784
DY11 5UN 6 0 52.410714 -2.259752
DY11 5WR 1 1 52.392504 -2.25387
DY11 5XA 18 0 52.41188 -2.252835
DY11 5XB 3 2 52.412399 -2.253632
DY11 5XD 17 0 52.413066 -2.253195
DY11 5XE 26 0 52.41413 -2.251642
DY11 5XF 7 0 52.415401 -2.250003
DY11 5XH 1 0 52.416035 -2.251903
DY11 5XJ 9 0 52.417178 -2.251321
DY11 5XL 3 0 52.423235 -2.252297