all postcodes in DY13 / STOURPORT-ON-SEVERN

find any address or company within the DY13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY13 9DL 0 52.34696 -2.273911
DY13 9DN 1 52.34765 -2.273192
DY13 9DP 0 52.347796 -2.269982
DY13 9DQ 0 52.345914 -2.271336
DY13 9DR 0 52.346303 -2.270355
DY13 9DS 1 52.348243 -2.27299
DY13 9DT 0 52.343346 -2.273977
DY13 9DW 0 52.34652 -2.269857
DY13 9DX 0 52.342976 -2.274474
DY13 9EA 3 52.339974 -2.278183
DY13 9EB 0 52.339034 -2.278188
DY13 9EE 3 52.338839 -2.278734
DY13 9EF 4 52.339036 -2.27922
DY13 9EG 1 52.33913 -2.27973
DY13 9EH 4 52.339069 -2.280438
DY13 9EN 1 52.337027 -2.279438
DY13 9EP 2 52.337708 -2.280323
DY13 9EQ 5 52.339214 -2.280057
DY13 9ER 0 52.337816 -2.277935
DY13 9EU 2 52.338007 -2.277011