all postcodes in DY13 / STOURPORT-ON-SEVERN

find any address or company within the DY13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY13 9PG 0 52.332833 -2.271373
DY13 9PH 0 52.329897 -2.269594
DY13 9PJ 0 52.332718 -2.274718
DY13 9PP 0 52.321813 -2.264744
DY13 9PQ 0 52.330917 -2.267884
DY13 9PR 0 52.331361 -2.270234
DY13 9PT 1 52.329441 -2.268535
DY13 9PY 1 52.328708 -2.272914
DY13 9PZ 2 52.32927 -2.262822
DY13 9QA 2 52.329609 -2.265924
DY13 9QB 72 52.32894 -2.26774
DY13 9QF 1 52.327141 -2.26814
DY13 9QG 1 52.327467 -2.266909
DY13 9QP 0 52.328855 -2.259356
DY13 9QQ 1 52.325392 -2.252146
DY13 9QR 2 52.327138 -2.261537
DY13 9QS 0 52.329542 -2.257995
DY13 9QT 0 52.333792 -2.25488
DY13 9QU 0 52.329872 -2.258849
DY13 9QW 4 52.326798 -2.254546