all postcodes in DY3 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY3 3RW 0 52.549994 -2.127089
DY3 3RX 0 52.55268 -2.129442
DY3 3RY 0 52.547214 -2.129278
DY3 3RZ 0 52.553582 -2.12586
DY3 3SB 0 52.539557 -2.126941
DY3 3SD 1 52.539957 -2.122976
DY3 3UA 5 52.539598 -2.122636
DY3 3SG 1 52.541618 -2.124602
DY3 3SH 0 52.540899 -2.124409
DY3 3SJ 0 52.542627 -2.123086
DY3 3SL 0 52.542619 -2.124582
DY3 3SN 0 52.543525 -2.123752
DY3 3SP 0 52.542834 -2.125172
DY3 3SQ 0 52.541285 -2.125029
DY3 3SR 0 52.542686 -2.126906
DY3 3SS 0 52.542911 -2.125889
DY3 3ST 0 52.541545 -2.125472
DY3 3SU 0 52.541895 -2.126859
DY3 3SW 0 52.54303 -2.12412
DY3 3SX 0 52.541323 -2.125757