all postcodes in DY3 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY3 3SY 0 52.540321 -2.127547
DY3 3SZ 0 52.54097 -2.12844
DY3 3TA 1 52.541932 -2.128074
DY3 3TB 0 52.541562 -2.126917
DY3 3TD 0 52.541121 -2.127299
DY3 3TE 0 52.541119 -2.128951
DY3 3TF 0 52.54015 -2.129543
DY3 3TG 0 52.541199 -2.130042
DY3 3TH 1 52.541755 -2.130692
DY3 3TJ 0 52.542097 -2.131077
DY3 3TL 0 52.542635 -2.132273
DY3 3TN 0 52.54214 -2.13292
DY3 3TP 0 52.542972 -2.128337
DY3 3TQ 0 52.540814 -2.130931
DY3 3TR 0 52.55239 -2.131299
DY3 3TS 0 52.551366 -2.129998
DY3 3TT 0 52.552571 -2.130326
DY3 3TU 0 52.551653 -2.130766
DY3 3TW 0 52.542721 -2.127481
DY3 3TX 0 52.553346 -2.130983