all postcodes in DY3 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY3 1RR 1 52.541066 -2.122675
DY3 1RU 6 52.541246 -2.121879
DY3 1RW 16 52.541909 -2.121905
DY3 1RX 4 52.540985 -2.122292
DY3 1RY 0 52.536378 -2.114828
DY3 1SA 23 52.540492 -2.120904
DY3 1SB 8 52.540722 -2.121813
DY3 1SD 1 52.540761 -2.121908
DY3 1SE 1 52.5406 -2.121096
DY3 1SF 0 52.531658 -2.118507
DY3 1SG 1 52.540543 -2.120987
DY3 1SH 0 52.533552 -2.118108
DY3 1SJ 1 52.540016 -2.120284
DY3 1SL 5 52.541059 -2.120434
DY3 1SN 1 52.541327 -2.119411
DY3 1SQ 0 52.534078 -2.116641
DY3 1SR 6 52.538669 -2.119469
DY3 1SS 2 52.539312 -2.120703
DY3 1ST 1 52.537006 -2.118904
DY3 1SW 0 52.533463 -2.11709