all postcodes in DY5 / BRIERLEY HILL

find any address or company within the DY5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY5 3RR 28 0 52.478425 -2.138063
DY5 3RS 6 0 52.479556 -2.136603
DY5 3RT 8 0 52.480095 -2.136443
DY5 3RU 36 0 52.479377 -2.135454
DY5 3RW 25 0 52.467427 -2.137949
DY5 3RX 12 0 52.479524 -2.135785
DY5 3RY 51 1 52.480801 -2.135715
DY5 3RZ 69 0 52.468876 -2.136393
DY5 3SA 44 0 52.480859 -2.137152
DY5 3SB 22 0 52.481109 -2.138198
DY5 3SD 8 0 52.466502 -2.139719
DY5 3SE 12 0 52.46676 -2.139345
DY5 3SF 49 0 52.467901 -2.139908
DY5 3SG 6 0 52.468559 -2.138438
DY5 3SH 4 0 52.481849 -2.127967
DY5 3SN 7 0 52.481874 -2.130072
DY5 3SP 49 3 52.481463 -2.127892
DY5 3SQ 15 0 52.47214 -2.127776
DY5 3SR 20 0 52.480116 -2.126062
DY5 3SS 1 1 52.480631 -2.132321