all postcodes in DY5 / BRIERLEY HILL

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Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY5 3ST 9 8 52.48108 -2.132014
DY5 3SU 2 2 52.480678 -2.125422
DY5 3SW 17 0 52.482102 -2.134697
DY5 3SX 68 0 52.477036 -2.1387
DY5 3SY 20 0 52.47972 -2.126694
DY5 3SZ 8 6 52.480354 -2.133755
DY5 3TA 19 1 52.481606 -2.136374
DY5 3TB 50 0 52.482917 -2.137674
DY5 3TD 58 0 52.483267 -2.137984
DY5 3TE 18 0 52.481836 -2.139025
DY5 3TF 11 9 52.47965 -2.14772
DY5 3TG 3 3 52.481916 -2.143508
DY5 3TH 15 0 52.481648 -2.141563
DY5 3TJ 5 0 52.481494 -2.142962
DY5 3TL 11 1 52.481173 -2.144633
DY5 3TN 14 0 52.48137 -2.145399
DY5 3TP 23 0 52.471756 -2.133899
DY5 3TQ 11 0 52.482118 -2.140063
DY5 3TS 1 1 52.480649 -2.131865
DY5 3TT 8 0 52.471432 -2.133839