all postcodes in DY5 / BRIERLEY HILL

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Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY5 3HA 8 0 52.469012 -2.127105
DY5 3HB 11 0 52.469292 -2.125781
DY5 3HE 25 0 52.469408 -2.126591
DY5 3HF 12 0 52.482913 -2.125157
DY5 3HG 7 0 52.46963 -2.12905
DY5 3HH 10 0 52.483352 -2.126646
DY5 3HJ 17 0 52.484129 -2.126507
DY5 3HL 39 0 52.485143 -2.124943
DY5 3HN 54 0 52.484273 -2.12583
DY5 3HP 42 0 52.485133 -2.125885
DY5 3HQ 16 0 52.469038 -2.128224
DY5 3HR 42 0 52.48463 -2.128114
DY5 3HS 40 0 52.485359 -2.127777
DY5 3HT 27 0 52.485633 -2.12892
DY5 3HU 12 0 52.486786 -2.129902
DY5 3HW 17 0 52.469244 -2.128931
DY5 3HX 25 0 52.486255 -2.127361
DY5 3HY 6 3 52.486028 -2.129348
DY5 3HZ 6 0 52.468653 -2.129745
DY5 3JA 32 11 52.486027 -2.129996