all postcodes in DY5 / BRIERLEY HILL

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Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY5 1JA 12 0 52.493909 -2.114849
DY5 1JB 8 0 52.494593 -2.114247
DY5 1JD 1 1 52.494453 -2.113678
DY5 1JE 3 3 52.493677 -2.113302
DY5 1JG 9 8 52.492319 -2.11349
DY5 1JJ 7 7 52.49071 -2.114105
DY5 1JR 1 1 52.490592 -2.114958
DY5 1JU 16 8 52.492274 -2.114271
DY5 1LA 5 3 52.493218 -2.114037
DY5 1LB 46 10 52.492047 -2.115758
DY5 1LE 1 1 52.490922 -2.11708
DY5 1LG 1 0 52.489262 -2.118068
DY5 1LH 10 5 52.484809 -2.12053
DY5 1LJ 5 5 52.489437 -2.113621
DY5 1LL 4 3 52.488448 -2.118738
DY5 1LN 6 6 52.485883 -2.116189
DY5 1LP 53 0 52.493547 -2.117853
DY5 1LQ 2 2 52.485426 -2.120128
DY5 1LR 31 0 52.492403 -2.119882
DY5 1LS 23 0 52.492629 -2.11894