all postcodes in DY5 / BRIERLEY HILL

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Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY5 1LU 1 1 52.487671 -2.117092
DY5 1LW 4 4 52.486688 -2.116759
DY5 1LX 7 5 52.485661 -2.119039
DY5 1PA 43 0 52.49023 -2.129499
DY5 1PB 12 0 52.491031 -2.128206
DY5 1PD 32 0 52.491867 -2.128267
DY5 1PE 32 0 52.492632 -2.127386
DY5 1PF 24 0 52.491595 -2.127067
DY5 1PG 25 0 52.490894 -2.127213
DY5 1PH 31 0 52.490357 -2.124634
DY5 1PJ 21 1 52.490524 -2.123005
DY5 1PL 6 0 52.48994 -2.122459
DY5 1PN 30 0 52.48983 -2.125198
DY5 1PP 6 0 52.489052 -2.126382
DY5 1PQ 10 0 52.490719 -2.125952
DY5 1PR 36 0 52.488206 -2.127381
DY5 1PS 9 1 52.489423 -2.127332
DY5 1PT 25 0 52.489951 -2.126665
DY5 1PU 14 0 52.490552 -2.127359
DY5 1PW 36 0 52.489668 -2.124638