all postcodes in DY6 / KINGSWINFORD

find any address or company within the DY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY6 9BB 15 0 52.503783 -2.17784
DY6 9BD 13 0 52.503424 -2.177618
DY6 9BE 10 0 52.503821 -2.176456
DY6 9BG 16 0 52.504354 -2.174911
DY6 9BH 24 0 52.505176 -2.172218
DY6 9BJ 22 0 52.504433 -2.172029
DY6 9BL 24 0 52.501477 -2.180748
DY6 9BN 21 0 52.500562 -2.179654
DY6 9BP 47 1 52.501032 -2.171966
DY6 9BQ 31 0 52.501743 -2.179753
DY6 9BS 20 0 52.500351 -2.172396
DY6 9BT 34 0 52.500721 -2.175176
DY6 9BU 12 0 52.500362 -2.175101
DY6 9BW 16 0 52.500529 -2.171331
DY6 9BX 14 0 52.500359 -2.176854
DY6 9BY 5 0 52.500448 -2.177547
DY6 9BZ 32 0 52.499937 -2.17892
DY6 9DA 16 0 52.500047 -2.181228
DY6 9DB 32 0 52.499748 -2.182965
DY6 9DD 23 0 52.49923 -2.180488