all postcodes in DY6 / KINGSWINFORD

find any address or company within the DY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY6 9DE 17 0 52.498934 -2.179868
DY6 9DF 13 0 52.500341 -2.182688
DY6 9DG 17 0 52.498973 -2.177983
DY6 9DH 11 0 52.498747 -2.178851
DY6 9DJ 7 0 52.498344 -2.177892
DY6 9DL 11 0 52.497779 -2.176652
DY6 9DN 13 0 52.498248 -2.175711
DY6 9DP 12 0 52.498634 -2.176567
DY6 9DQ 17 0 52.501191 -2.181665
DY6 9DR 14 0 52.499387 -2.177484
DY6 9DS 7 0 52.498869 -2.17536
DY6 9DT 25 0 52.499704 -2.175997
DY6 9DU 14 0 52.49985 -2.174554
DY6 9DW 23 0 52.499542 -2.176438
DY6 9DX 13 0 52.498862 -2.174197
DY6 9DY 19 0 52.498017 -2.174399
DY6 9DZ 24 0 52.497577 -2.173661
DY6 9EA 18 0 52.498989 -2.173505
DY6 9EB 6 0 52.498238 -2.172579
DY6 9ED 18 0 52.496967 -2.173129