all postcodes in DY7 / STOURBRIDGE

find any address or company within the DY7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY7 6NQ 12 0 52.450054 -2.224729
DY7 6NS 5 1 52.440071 -2.217323
DY7 6NT 1 0 52.441897 -2.217082
DY7 6NU 5 0 52.443211 -2.216014
DY7 6NW 2 0 52.443758 -2.224295
DY7 6NX 1 0 52.443222 -2.215205
DY7 6NY 3 1 52.44362 -2.21375
DY7 6NZ 3 1 52.448884 -2.20871
DY7 6PA 6 0 52.441608 -2.212505
DY7 6PB 3 0 52.432351 -2.21146
DY7 6PD 1 0 52.437852 -2.206515
DY7 6PF 5 0 52.441698 -2.202149
DY7 6PG 1 0 52.435299 -2.196191
DY7 6PH 10 0 52.452485 -2.180979
DY7 6PJ 2 0 52.446361 -2.179963
DY7 6PL 2 0 52.445147 -2.173808
DY7 6PN 3 0 52.452892 -2.179598
DY7 6PP 7 1 52.441306 -2.172003
DY7 6PQ 8 1 52.443529 -2.187842
DY7 6PS 5 1 52.438913 -2.173097