all postcodes in DY7 / STOURBRIDGE

find any address or company within the DY7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY7 6PT 1 0 52.434816 -2.177303
DY7 6PU 1 0 52.436426 -2.170587
DY7 6PW 1 0 52.454887 -2.179517
DY7 6PX 1 1 52.453005 -2.187618
DY7 6QA 5 0 52.447756 -2.237135
DY7 6QY 8 1 52.461331 -2.19223
DY7 6QZ 5 1 52.459496 -2.181817
DY7 6RL 40 0 52.460502 -2.204413
DY7 6RP 16 1 52.462107 -2.201595
DY7 6RR 49 0 52.463962 -2.199734
DY7 6RS 23 0 52.462771 -2.197108
DY7 6RT 28 0 52.461977 -2.198459
DY7 6RU 2 0 52.463232 -2.192911
DY7 6RW 13 0 52.461279 -2.201841
DY7 6RX 16 0 52.463793 -2.175874
DY7 6RY 27 0 52.463892 -2.181688
DY7 6RZ 12 1 52.464154 -2.18085
DY7 6SA 27 0 52.464997 -2.17607
DY7 6SB 40 0 52.466368 -2.17297
DY7 6SD 40 0 52.466349 -2.173647