all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 2EE 9 0 51.519074 -0.057208
E1 2EG 50 5 51.519196 -0.05683
E1 2EL 6 0 51.519056 -0.055551
E1 2EN 7 1 51.517612 -0.056838
E1 2EP 7 0 51.517093 -0.056485
E1 2EQ 3 0 51.51717 -0.054594
E1 2ES 19 0 51.517167 -0.05605
E1 2ET 24 0 51.517363 -0.055436
E1 2EU 11 1 51.517083 -0.055361
E1 2EY 26 0 51.516674 -0.054514
E1 2HA 25 0 51.516995 -0.055999
E1 2HD 33 0 51.516226 -0.056234
E1 2HE 19 0 51.515865 -0.055658
E1 2HF 8 0 51.517188 -0.056755
E1 2HG 8 0 51.516213 -0.055485
E1 2HH 48 1 51.515865 -0.055658
E1 2HJ 12 0 51.515723 -0.055203
E1 2HL 40 0 51.515674 -0.056603
E1 2HN 1 1 51.515282 -0.057384
E1 2HP 38 4 51.515276 -0.056896