all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 2HQ 70 0 51.514854 -0.055918
E1 2HR 6 0 51.514541 -0.055527
E1 2HS 32 1 51.516705 -0.056372
E1 2HX 26 1 51.515937 -0.056174
E1 2JA 39 11 51.517572 -0.057157
E1 2JB 2 0 51.515905 -0.057432
E1 2JD 22 0 51.515877 -0.057993
E1 2JE 20 1 51.515804 -0.058486
E1 2JF 8 0 51.51607 -0.059311
E1 2JH 23 1 51.516776 -0.059612
E1 2JJ 1 1 51.517238 -0.061437
E1 2JL 1 1 51.517413 -0.060032
E1 2JP 2 2 51.514507 -0.060431
E1 2JR 1 1 51.514493 -0.059651
E1 2JT 10 3 51.514596 -0.059808
E1 2JY 27 12 51.514597 -0.061074
E1 2LA 26 0 51.514093 -0.061052
E1 2LF 21 0 51.513895 -0.061565
E1 2LG 2 0 51.513497 -0.061339
E1 2LH 45 12 51.51375 -0.061528