all postcodes in E12 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E12 5LG 43 1 51.55586 0.059462
E12 5LH 40 2 51.555848 0.062203
E12 5LJ 6 0 51.555232 0.057328
E12 5LN 1 1 51.55665 0.062614
E12 5LP 1 0 51.555353 0.065282
E12 5LQ 40 0 51.556006 0.060378
E12 5LU 39 0 51.554293 0.061685
E12 5LX 28 0 51.555062 0.063942
E12 5LY 56 0 51.553663 0.065277
E12 5LZ 63 0 51.553241 0.064696
E12 5NA 56 0 51.551642 0.065633
E12 5NB 20 0 51.550786 0.065248
E12 5ND 24 0 51.550672 0.065604
E12 5NE 35 0 51.554171 0.065026
E12 5NG 30 0 51.550093 0.06575
E12 5NJ 31 0 51.550635 0.064607
E12 5NN 45 2 51.551469 0.064255
E12 5NP 24 0 51.55459 0.064293
E12 5NR 46 0 51.554793 0.061376
E12 5NS 46 0 51.555368 0.063451