all postcodes in E12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E12 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E12 5NT 46 0 51.555554 0.064108
E12 5NW 18 0 51.554282 0.064353
E12 5NX 10 0 51.553139 0.065427
E12 5NY 12 0 51.552615 0.065547
E12 5NZ 12 0 51.552075 0.065566
E12 5PA 39 1 51.553428 0.060247
E12 5PB 23 2 51.55364 0.05942
E12 5PD 9 0 51.552687 0.05991
E12 5PE 46 0 51.551808 0.060318
E12 5PF 60 0 51.551779 0.059913
E12 5PG 26 0 51.550815 0.060028
E12 5PH 37 0 51.549975 0.060206
E12 5PJ 48 2 51.549889 0.059452
E12 5PL 21 0 51.550572 0.058488
E12 5PN 96 5 51.551731 0.059031
E12 5PP 53 0 51.55256 0.055993
E12 5PQ 50 0 51.550184 0.060576
E12 5PR 35 0 51.551751 0.056868
E12 5PS 57 0 51.550859 0.056957
E12 5PT 46 0 51.549625 0.058128