all postcodes in E13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E13 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E13 8UG 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8UJ 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8WE 1 1 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8WH 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8WN 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8WP 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8WQ 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8XT 1 1 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8YF 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8YX 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8YZ 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 8SN 42 0 51.518689 0.032416
E13 8LF 1 1 51.521193 0.026964
E13 8WS 1 0 51.529279 0.023328
E13 8BJ 23 0 51.520804 0.019825
E13 8FB 12 0 51.517713 0.025382
E13 8FD 9 0 51.52178 0.022146
E13 8FA 7 0 51.524895 0.031898
E13 8FE 8 0 51.523685 0.02491