all postcodes in E13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E13 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E13 8EP 39 0 51.520618 0.014412
E13 8EQ 76 20 51.520326 0.017815
E13 8ER 44 0 51.52084 0.014032
E13 8ES 21 0 51.520636 0.017021
E13 8ET 26 0 51.52086 0.017622
E13 8EU 12 0 51.520988 0.015913
E13 8EW 9 0 51.520496 0.014738
E13 8EX 7 0 51.522063 0.016148
E13 8EY 34 0 51.521376 0.015815
E13 8EZ 4 0 51.522108 0.016654
E13 8HD 39 0 51.521199 0.017263
E13 8HJ 59 7 51.522831 0.024397
E13 8HL 100 27 51.521147 0.020848
E13 8HR 71 17 51.520146 0.018454
E13 8HS 2 0 51.520094 0.018337
E13 8HT 44 1 51.520524 0.020418
E13 8HU 35 0 51.520234 0.020506
E13 8HX 20 0 51.520048 0.019835
E13 8HY 22 0 51.520157 0.020287
E13 8HZ 8 1 51.521336 0.021838